Week 10 Plans


Start the day by reviewing with team as to what has to be done and what will be done this week for the project Listen in to teach about how the NATM is structured, Individual (Review on canvas), Review Project Documentation Student Teaching Point Updates with Teach Continue work on NATM project and also prep for tomorrow’s presentation Try to fix images bug and include images into recipe cards as well as the details page


Begin the day by listening in to student teaching Finish project homework is possible Continue work on presentation tomorrow Work on correct images error, ie with help with Mr. Lopez..


Plan out how and what each of the group is going to present and do Present progress work to teach After presentation, work on images if error still persists Continue to better the site and frontend website Make sure to keep commiting to github for proof


Listen into student teach Complete and submit previous teach homework Finish if possible homework for this student teach Work on frontend Fix any bugs or persisting errors


Continue work on frontend site Listen in to tech talk from teach Work day so fix errors, make frontend look good

AP Exam Registration

Due by Nov 3rd..