Code and Usage of Blog

  • Throughtout the entirety of the trimester, I’ve used my student blog to organize and work on computer science work, this blog has helped me hone my skills in organizing stuff into a time box which helps for the easy access of previous material which helps to study for tests and exam. This time box is sort of a book which helped organize my thoughts as well as my works. I have been updating my timebox with every individual lesson, including my homework, which helps me a lot as I can quickly go back to each lesson and refer to the notes and code to help me when I am having difficulties coding in Python.

  • I’ve updated the timebox every week for the plans I plan to accomplish during each week. This acts as something that I can refer back to for future reference and also results in a pretty, well organized journal.

Pseudo Code

This is an exerpt from a student lesson

## Commands
# MOVE_FORWARD() - Moves the robot forward one square
# MOVE_BACKWARD() - Moves the robot backward one square
# ROTATE_LEFT() - Rotates the robot 90 degrees left
# ROTATE_RIGHT() - Rotates the robot 90 degrees right

# Objective is to get the arrow to the pirate flag by going around the detours(black boxes)
# Point of the arrow is the direction that it is facing


Pseudocode is like a recipe for writing computer programs, but instead of using the exact rules of a programming language, it uses plain English or a mix of English and simple programming terms. It helps programmers plan out how to solve a problem or create a program without getting bogged down in the specific details of a programming language. It’s like sketching out a plan before building something, giving a clear idea of the steps to follow. This makes it easier for beginners to understand and design their programs before diving into actual coding. Overall, pseudocode is a detailed yet readable description of what a computer program or algorithm should do.

Tri 1 Reflection

I thoroughly enjoyed this class, especially exploring various coding techniques, learning innovative ways to organize information, and discovering multiple approaches to problem-solving and creative development. The trimester flew by so quickly that documenting it proved to be a challenge. One significant achievement was successfully implementing the “make” function and establishing a local host site that I could then deploy on GitHub. Another highlight was the student lessons, allowing me to learn the Python fundamentals from peers like me. Before this class, I mainly coded in Java, so learning the Python syntax was new to me. The student lessons heavily helped this. The Web Development Basics project, fostering teamwork, was a positive experience, as was the final project for Night at the Museum, where I delved into API integration and data extraction/display. Overall, the trimester provided opportunities to learn about the fascinating world of coding, adopt new methodologies, form connections with peers, and collaborate in a team setting.

Looking ahead to trimester two, my goals include meeting new people, acquiring additional coding skills, refining my coding proficiency, delving deeper into API work, and enhancing integration techniques. I aim to learn how to collaborate effectively in new teams, explore innovative coding and agile methodologies, and ensure another rewarding trimester in AP CSP. If I’m up for a challenge, I’m thinking about exploring the backend to see firsthand what it’s like and understand the differences between the frontend and backend. I know writing backend code will be tricky for me, since I am a beginner python coder, but from this experience I am sure that I will improve immensely.

N@TM Extra Credit



  • Frontend
  • Backend
  • API
  • Agile

HOOK: Reason: I really loved the way they expalined the site as well as their user interface, it was very unique and alien like which was really cool!

KNOWLEDGE (3.6-4): Reason: All of them seemed to knwo what they were doing and how each part of the code worked as well. Well done!

VALUE (0.6-1.0): Reason: I feel like the value for this project most likely comes from how each of the code was outputted, like the data after each input as well as their user id that they used.

WOW FACTOR: Comments: I really like the green black neon ish color of the overall website, it added a very cool effect and look!.

Ian Wu’s Group


  • Frontend
  • Backend
  • API
  • Agile

HOOK: Reason: I really loved their pixelated images website, how each image can be pixalated into a different one or color, really cool!

KNOWLEDGE (3.6-4): Reason: Everyone seemed to know what the code was about and how it worked, well done!

VALUE (0.6-1.0): Reason: I feel like the value of the assignment was mainly the way they explained the code so that i was easy for everyone to understand

WOW FACTOR: Comments: The wow factor for this assignement was most probably again their pixalated image sequence how an image can be pixaleted into a different one or a new color etc.

Facial Emotions Regonizer


  • Frontend
  • Backend
  • API
  • Agile

HOOK: Reason: This was by far one of the best projects i have ever seen. THhe way the the program could easily reconize the emotion jsut by looking at the facial expression weas just outstanding, really well done project!

KNOWLEDGE (3.6-4):: Reason: Everyone seemd to know how the code works

VALUE (0.6-1.0):: Reason: The whole project probably added value, the way it could recognize the emotion by mapping the facial expression, this was honestly out of the world.

WOW FACTOR: Comments: The whole project is itself a wow factor!!! Really well done.